Monday, December 8, 2014

WINTER WISDOM: RESTING IN THE WARMTH OF YOUR OWN LIGHT...A Day of Chanting Meditation, 17 Jan. at the Foundation of Light, Ithaca

Winter is most often associated with stillness, darkness, and cold. The earth is resting and recuperating, making ready for new life to emerge. Our early sunsets and long nights naturally call us to hibernation. We sit in front of the fire wrapped in a cozy blanket or tuck under the covers to stay warm. However, our beds are not the only place of warmth and repose. We can learn to use these winter months to rest in the warmth of our own inner light and wisdom, to step away from the demands and noise of modern life, to become still and to listen deeply to the wisdom that winter brings as it prepares us to emerge into spring with new understanding and  inspiration. 

Please join
Marsha Eger, MA, international teacher of chanting meditation for a daylong workshop at the Foundation of Light. Through chanting and meditation, poetry, journaling, guided meditation and more, we will enter the warmth of our own hearts to connect deeply with our Selves and the Stillness within.
PLACE: Foundation of Light,  391 Turkey Hill Road, Ithaca, New York 
DATE:  Saturday January 17, 2014, (with a special free -introductory one-hour session  on Friday, January 16 beginning at 7:30 pm.)
TIME: 9:30 am – 3:00 pm.
COST: $50 -$75 including a light lunch, of vegetarian soup, and tea and coffee  breaks                                                            
TO REGISTER: To register and for more information, email Marsha Eger at or call (607) 592-2465 or call the FOL   at (607) 273-9550 email:

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