Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Inner Peace in Wroclaw, Poland

The Beautiful and Joyous Women of Wroclaw, Poland

On 2 November, in a lovely little vegan restaurant and book shop called Nalanda, I had the great honor and blessing of leading my first chanting  meditation workshop in Wroclaw, Poland. As you can see by the picture it was a joyous day and my sharing of chants from world traditions, poetry and discussion on inner peace, was so warmly received. I was overwhelmed with the response and the invitation to return. I am grateful to all who made the workshop and my trip possible, in particular my dear and beautiful friend Izabela Mylnarz, Nalanda and all the workshop particpants.
The workshop was on inner peace and while the chanting and meditation over time will help us attain a great sense of calm, it will not unto itself do the trick. Changing our mind set is so important to helping us remain calm as we navigate our busy and noisy lives. Each of the world's traditions have something to teach us about inner peace. In  the Jewish tradition, when we greet someone with Shalom Aleichem, it is to wish them deep inner peace as  they go through the day. It is a recognition that this is one of the greatest wishes we could have for someone, along with good health. If we want to maintain a sense of calm, the Buddhist tradition asks us to seek  the elimination of all desires. In Hinduism non judgement is an important element in achieving a state- of - peace. Accepting things as they are and being fully present also assist us in maintaining our centre and calm. In the end our inner peace resides in the Silence. A chanting meditation practice can help us with all of this.
Here is what Hafiz has to say on subject.
A day of Silence can be a Pilgrimage in itself.
A Day of Silence can help you listen to the Soul play its marvellous lute and drum.
Is not most talking a crazed defence of a crumbling fort?
In the end I thought we came here to surrender in Silence.
To yield to Light and Happiness.
To Dance within in celebration of Love's Victory.
By Hafiz as translated by Daniel Ladinsky. From the volume of poetry, I Heard God Laughing

1 comment:

Pelayan Keheningan said...

In the art of peace,there is no contest there is only inner contentment