Friday, August 17, 2012

Experiencing the Divine

I came across these journal entries that I was saving for my second volume of poetry. I hope you enjoy them. Sending love from Glocca Morra.

Meditation Journal Entries
December 03, 2006
10:59 am - Waking meditations

I AM always coming and going,
passing myself as I go.

I AM a breeze blowing through the trees.
I AM the trees bowing and swaying to the very wind of my being.

I AM a hawk gliding and swooping down to catch my prey.
I am the prey itself.

I AM the sun setting and the moon rising.
I AM the earth rotating to greet the stars.

I AM you passing me as I walk a crowded street or
as I quietly gaze across the table at you.

I AM the busyness of life,
the Stillness that observes.

I AM the center,
the Source of all arising.
The illusion that I AM what I seem.

11:00 am

Who you seem to be is who you are.
You are a story, MY story;
one of infinite tales woven together
into the fabric of the life you know.

You are a figment of MY imagination -
unbounded and unlimited.
I AM the source
from which all arises.

January 22, 2007
2:40 am

Unconditional love is your purpose.
Let it be your passion.

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