Sunday, November 15, 2015


    As our prayers go out to the people of Paris, indeed to the world, I would like to share this meditation which came to me a few days after the events of 9/11. We need to redouble our efforts and not let fear over come us. In stead may we be filled with compassion for all who suffer at the hands of terrorists, I hope the world community can find a way to come together to put a stop to these horrific acts and that all people can feel welcome and safe anywhere in the world. In the meantime we can try to create a vision of what we want and concentrate on that, remembering that we are all world citizens. We are one.

A Visualization for Peace

Visualize harmony ~ visualize it everywhere.
See a softening of the earth’s atmosphere,
how it floats and gently falls to earth,
embracing all inhabitants
with a luminescent light that quivers and shimmers
like moonlight on the water.
See the entire earth and all that inhabit it,
breathing easily and gently as One.
It’s a quiet, easy, loving breath.
Just keep on breathing.
Now see the trees in the forests,
the grasses of the meadows, the mountains,
deserts, and all the creatures.
All species are singing a new song.
They are singing it together.
There is a new order.
One of gentleness, effortless ease.
You can feel it.
It is everywhere you turn.
It is harmony.

Everywhere and in everything there is a new order,
a settling of the dust.
Life has become quiet.
Life has become profoundly meaningful.
Everything is lighter.
Everything is easier than it has ever been before.
It is easier to breathe.
It is easier to smile.
It is easier to move.
It is easier to love.
There is a restored simplicity.
There is a restored gentleness.
There is a new world order.
It is harmony.
Visualize this and keep on visualizing this,
until it is so.

By Marsha Eger
Voice of My Soul: Wisdom from the Stillness (2008)

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